I live in the city
without many bugs
there are no bugs in my home
and very few in the air
there are ladybugs in the garden
and I’m happy to have them
but here in this dark cabin
deep in mountain woods
there are bugs in every vista
in my clothes and in my hair
in my beard and on my pillow
in the bathroom on the wall
every sort of buggy
flying, creeping, slithering, watching thing
i’m scratching as I write this
while tiny scavengers pillage
the rich forest of my
i want to be back in the city
where my skin can heal
and the food riot in my hairy parts
can finally come to an end
I’ve come to accept them
over the course of my brief stay
reluctantly confessing to myself
and the bugs
that I am the interloper here
what a nasty creature I must appear!