This is a quiet house ...
This is a quiet house tonight
No little boy sleeping
Even then there is a sound
A whispered breath
A turn against the sheet
A rumble rustle twisting in the night
But not this night
No wife in her study tapping
Or dressing
Or undressing
It is unnatural
This peacefulness
This calm that damns the senses
I’d rather the racket
The racket please
Oh bring back the racket
And let me sleep
No little boy sleeping
Even then there is a sound
A whispered breath
A turn against the sheet
A rumble rustle twisting in the night
But not this night
No wife in her study tapping
Or dressing
Or undressing
It is unnatural
This peacefulness
This calm that damns the senses
I’d rather the racket
The racket please
Oh bring back the racket
And let me sleep