Thursday, July 20, 2006

July 20, 2006

It is a beautiful summer here, yet when I woke this morning, very early, long before the birds started singing, waking with a heavy heart, I was thinking about the vast and expanding areas of our planet that are at war and I am having a hard time enjoying this cool, blue morning as it breaks gently around me because there are too many frightened children and anguished fathers and lost souls in the world, far too many and I am not doing anything to ease their pain.


Blogger piu piu said...

i'm with you on that. the world- people, can be so cruel.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Signora B. said...

But you are doing something ,Richard. You are teaching your Son to be a kind and gentle person.

4:08 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

I so completely and totally understand what you mean, Richard. I feel exactly the same way. Some of the images haunt me. If I were one of those mothers, with a hot, exhausted, weeping child dangling in my arms, I would want to know; be desperate to know, and need assurance in the fact, that citizens of the developed world, all those "haves" out there, were doing everything in their power, to help....

I have sent e-mails and letters. I am a Red Cross volunteer, and am ready to help on this end, should the need arise. But what else can I do? What can we collectively do?

2:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

it's wonderful that you have your buddy back with you. :)

37C in some areas here..

Yeah it's not so nice to have such a feeling... I hope things get resolved.

2:11 AM  

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