Monday, October 06, 2008

Into the dirt ...

Once when I was a kid I noticed a large flock of birds resting on the power lines outside our house. My mother told me that a cold front must be arriving and the birds were gathering to head south. A similar phenomenon takes place in the mid-west where we lived for a time, when the sky suddenly darkens and wind goes eerily still just before a huge storm arrives.

In America today you can sense the winds changing. William Kristol, in his column today in the New York Times, signaled the arrival of the dirty winds of the Republican Presidential campaign. It is a wind we have seen before, once swirled and stirred by the likes of Lee Atwater (who long ago offered to pay a mutual friend of ours to spy on me when I was a lowly operative in a failed campaign to unseat Strom Thurmond) and later by his protégé Karl Rove. Obama can see it coming, everyone knows it’s coming. McCain has little choice anymore, having struck his deal with the devil to win this race at any cost.

Gone are the lofty pronouncements of running a clean campaign on the issues. That became undeniably clear with the choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate – a person who is nothing but a Hail Mary pass for votes. It strains the imagination that McCain can possibly believe she is capable of running the country at the hour it faces it’s greatest challenges since the eve of World War Two.

So all bets are off and its down into the dirt we go.



Blogger C N Heidelberg said...


4:24 PM  
Blogger Diane Mandy said...

People claim they are tired of negative campaigns, but sadly polls say otherwise. I hope this time the Karl Rove tactics backfire and the polls continue to swing in Obama's direction.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Snooker said...

So much for "Country First". He can't possibly believe that Palin is a reasonable choice for VP. Is this the person we want one heartbeat away from the White House?
First we start with the strange pick for VP, then we start slinging mud in earnest.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Ralph said...

Into the dirt it will be. Guess Ayers is today's Horton.

Looking forward to your reports from New York.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Mike B said...

Some people are turned off by negative campaigning, but research showsit works. Schade. McCain could easily run a campaign against Obama's politics and win, except that O isn't saying much about them himself, nor is the media, so people would think McCain is simply making it all up, and for that matter he is sounding a little tax-and-spend-liberal himself on more than a few issues, so he dare not throw that stone. So, its easier to take the low road.

11:12 PM  

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